Capital Markets.

Accessing capital across domestic and offshore markets.

Capital Markets.

Mayne Wetherell offers proven expertise across the equity and debt capital markets, including advising on offshore debt issuances and domestic retail and wholesale issuances of both listed and unlisted equity, debt and structured hybrids.

In addition, our equity capital markets specialists also advise on initial public offerings, international securities offerings, strategic takeover advice and other secondary trading activities. We have a wealth of experience in providing strategic advice for listed company takeovers.

Our debt capital markets specialists advise on offshore issuances (including USPP, EMTN, AMTN, US High Yield) and domestic retail and wholesale issuances, both listed and unlisted, including securitisation term out issuances.

We leverage our long-standing relationships with all key market participants and stakeholders to ensure any capital raise, capital restructure or related capital markets activity is a seamless and efficient process for our clients.

Recent Transactions (ECM).

  • Major shareholders of NZX-listed Augusta Capital in relation to Centuria's NZ$180m takeover bid.
  • Masthead in relation to its hybrid investment in, and delisting of, NZX-listed SeaDragon.
  • Austron Joint Venture in respect of its successful full takeover, delisting and divestment of NZX-listed Acurity Health Group.
  • Lempriere Australia in respect of its successful full takeover and delisting of NZX-listed New Zealand Wool Services.
  • 2degrees in relation to its majority shareholder’s reverse listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange.
  • Intermediate Capital Group in relation to the IPO of Tegel Foods.
  • TPG in relation to the ASX IPO of Inghams and other international securities offerings.
  • Advice to prospective issuers and sponsors concerning IPOs and NZX listings.
  • Strategic advice to prospective bidders concerning takeover process and compliance.

Recent Transactions (DCM).

  • Auckland Council on its offer of green bonds under a simplified product disclosure statement which was the first retail offer of green bonds in the New Zealand market.
  • Fonterra for various off-shore issuances (including Renminbi, Euro and Pound Sterling issuances), Australian MTN issuances, US private placements, listing on the Singapore Stock Exchange (previously listed on Luxembourg Stock Exchange).
  • Auckland Council on the establishment of its US$5bn global debt issuance programme (listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange), A$3bn Australian debt issuance programme and various off-shore issuances in different currencies including Euro, Swiss Francs and Norwegian Krone.
  • Auckland International Airport for various New Zealand and Australian issuances in addition to the establishment of its A$1bn Australian debt issuance programme.
  • Heartland Bank in relation to its retail medium term note issuance which was issued under a limited disclosure document in reliance on the registered bank exclusion and its commercial paper programme.